Food & Drink

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 10:31 KJV

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

We (ihlcc) decided in this lesson and the following series of lessons to approach the subject of “food”. In our first lesson we mentioned that God is the source for all good “food” so it is better to eat the “foods” already (previously) ordained by God. We highlighted the fact men will put profits ahead of people’s health so be disciplined in your eating and your selection of “food” because some “foods” are truly good for your body while other “foods” are not. In a previous lesson we discussed what our attitude should be about “food”. In short, the child of God ought to desire God’s Word over “food” because that is the proper perspective. We mentioned that not having natural food could cause starvation unto physical death but not having God’s Word, our spiritual food, will cause death physically and spiritually unto eternal death. Therefore it is in our best interest to consider “God’s natural food” secondary in comparison to the “spiritual food” of God’s Word as our primary desire in life. In another lesson we taught on knowing and eating your specific “Portion of Food”. Knowing your idea weight and the correct portions of food you need on a daily basis to maintain that weight is God’s Will for all people on the earth. In our last lesson we looked at the indirect relationship between “Food & Exercise”. That lesson highlighted the fact that one could eat properly without exercising and many who do exercise pay more attention to their eating habits. We reminded our readers not to think that exercising is the only (or primary) way to lose weight because that is not true. Eating less than your daily portion is a sure way to lose weight. In today’s lesson we will focus our attention toward the topic of ”Food & Drink”. Today’s verse is so true in the sense of doing all things unto The Lord because our whole lifestyle should be about glorifying God. “God’s food” is good for you mentally and physically when you understand it as a gift from God. “God’s drinks” are good also if you understand them as being gifts from God. There are many “drinks” out today that boast of healthy eating whether juicing, smoothies, liquid blends and/or teas, etc... These “drinks” are common in society today if the basic components (ingredients) of a “drink” come from “healthy food” it is believed to be a “healthy drink”. However, we (ihlcc) believe for the “drink” to be totally sanctified you still need to give God thanks for your “food and drink” during a full meal or any “drink” taken without food aside from a meal. Yes, man has found many ways to reconfigure God’s original creation but that is not a problem if you still keep everything in moderation (your correct portion) and do all things unto the Lord Jesus. We will share a quick story with you because this tricked us at first. We thought that “drinking more” without eating any food to go along with it would definitely cause the physical body to lose weight so when the “drinking” period ended we weighed about the same, so we were a little surprised and sought more information as to the reasons why. Upon further examination we found out that certain “drinks” have just as many calories as a whole plate of “food” and that is why the thicker “drinks” don’t really help you to lose weight even though they appear to be healthy. Another caution that we will put out there is to avoid the “drinks” that are loaded with man-made ingredients because many do possess harmful chemicals for your body. We have heard of certain energy drinks that accelerate your heart beat to an alarming rate which is totally abnormal. Are all energy drinks bad, we would say no, but why not use the natural energy drinks from certain godly minerals and nutrients that don’t produce harmful side effects. Also, while on this subject of refreshing your physical body let us look at Mark 9:41 KJV which states, “For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.” We mention this scripture because even the scripture endorses “drinking” water. Yes, water is God’s natural cleanser for the natural body. It is no accident that man is primarily made up of water and men (woman and children too) need water to live and the water they need is abundant in the earth. Yes, not just people but animals and all living creatures (plants included) need water too. We thought it good to remind everyone that you should drink a healthy amount of water each day. Some like tap water, others like bottled water and yet still others prefer ionized water we just ask that you consistently drink pure water (not favored water with additives) because then the natural cleansing can take place. This message is very practical but we can remember a certain minister of God stating that a lack of drinking water for their natural body contributed to some major problems in their body and this testimony is also echoed by doctors. We (ihlcc) do make it a practice to “drink” a healthy amount of water each day and on the days we sweat we “drink” more water to keep our body healthy and clean. Remember, you are the temple of the Holy Ghost so it is your responsibility to keep God’s Temple healthy and clean. Yes, someone once mentioned, “We need water to wash clean our outer man but we also need to drink water inwardly to wash clean the insides of our outer man.” God loves you very much and He (The Lord) created plenty of “good drinks” for man upon this earth, so by all means please enjoy the many “godly drinks” that are good for your body and if you are not sure if a certain “drink” is good for your body put that specific “drink” aside until you do the proper (sufficient) research to find out. “Drinking” should be done unto God so be willing to set aside harmful drinks (laced with poisonous chemicals) and/or improper drinks (drinks that can impair judgment) for the “good drinks from God” because you are holy as He Is Holy, so let us be holy in “Food & Drink” also in the Name of Jesus Christ unto the glory of God, Our Father. Amen!